Copper Ridge Spiritual Companions
Fr. Tim holds services at Copper Ridge twice a month and St. Barnabas members serve as spiritual companions to residents at the facility who do not receive regular visits from families and friends. The Stone Church Pickers also play an annual Christmas concert on site, which is greatly appreciated.
E.S.C.A.P.E. Ministries
E.S.C.A.P.E. Ministries (Enabling Social and Church Advocacy for People Enrichment) helps people in Carroll and northern Howard counties find needed services and resources. This nonprofit volunteer organization, supported by area churches and civic groups, also coordinates relief assistance to needy families and individuals. Members of St. Barnabas prepare up to 70 bag lunches three times a year. These lunches are delivered to another local church (St. Paul’s Methodist) for distribution.
Pantry Project
The St. Barnabas Pantry Project has operated for more than 30 years. Four times a year — at Easter, June, Thanksgiving, and Christmas — this outreach program collects money from the congregation to support four local families in need. The money raised is used to purchase gift cards for the families to buy food and other supplies.
Westminster Shelters
St. Barnabas members prepare bagged lunches for people staying temporarily at the family shelter and “Night-by-Night” shelter in Westminster. We also make and collect casseroles to take to the shelters in the winter months.